
Tourist Information : Russian Visa
All foreign nationals are required to have
entry visas to travel to the Russian Federation. Russian entry visas
can be obtained at local Russian
Embassy or Consulate. The visa processing fees range from $100
to $450, depending on the number of entries and the period pf processing.
The latest information on Russian visa you can get there.
Tourist Visa
A tourist visa can be issued for not longer than one month. When
entering Russia with a tourist visa, you are required to present
your tourist confirmation, a voucher from your hotel, and a return
ticket with a fixed date of departure from Russia.
Business Visa
A business visa could be single, double or multiple. The single
or double business visa could be issued for 1 month or for 3 months.
The multiple business visa could be issued for one year. When applying
for a business visa you should enclose an official letter of invitation.
The official letter of invitation could be from the Russian Ministry
of the Interior, its local offices or the Russian Foreign Ministry,
its regional representatives, or any other authorized Russian agency.
Besides, you should fill in and enclose a completed visa application
form (one per person) available at the Consulate or from travel
agencies and visa services, along with a valid passport, one passport
size photo, and a cover letter from your company (or from yourself
if you are traveling individually) with information about the traveler,
destination, terms and purpose of the trip.
Homestay Visa (Visitor's Visas)
A homestay visa is issued on the basis of a private invitation
from a relative or friend (IZVESHCHENIE), in whose home you are
going to live in Russia. Your relatives or friends in Russia should
obtain IZVESHCHENIE for you from local authorities (OVIR) and send
it to your address. IZVESHCHENIE is valid within one year from the
date indicated therein. The period of stay in Russia is shown in
a separate paragraph and must not exceed 90 days.
Transit Visa
A Russian transit visa is valid only for 72 hours. To apply for
this visa, no invitation in required. You should fill in and enclose
a completed visa application form (one per person) available at
the Consulate or from travel agencies and visa services, along with
a valid passport, one passport size photo, and a cover letter from
your company (or from yourself if you are traveling individually)
with information about the traveler, destination, terms and purpose
of the trip. A copy of the passport page with the visa of the country
you are going to and/or from along with the copies of your airline
tickets are also required.